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Bullshot Crummond
A comedy by Ron House, Alan Shearman, Diz White, John Neville Andrews, Derek Cunningham
Directed by Jeff Dickenson

An irreverent spoof of cliché detective B-movies, this hilarious comedy ambitiously stages wild thrills and spills traditionally reserved for the screen: plane crashes, car chases, icy mountain cliff hangers, sword fights, and even a naval sea battle. The story follows the kidnapping of an eccentric Professor and his synthetic diamond formula by evil German masterminds. To track down her missing father, the Professor’s daughter engages the services of ace detective and dashing hero Hugh ‘Bullshot’ Crummond – unaware that he is a dim-witted, blundering idiot.
Performance Dates
Thursday, Friday, & Saturday evenings:
May 29 through June 14
Sunday matinees: June 1, 8, & 15
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