A Musical by Dan Goggin
Directed by Andy Hafer
Musical Direction by Tamara Allspaugh
A zany, wholesome, hilarious musical revue presented by the Little Sisters of Hoboken, Nunsense is a heavenly delight! When their cook accidentally serves up some tainted soup, 52 of the sisters are poisoned and die, leaving only five living nuns who were not at home the day of the toxic meal. When the convent’s Reverend Mother splurges on a plasma TV, the sisters find themselves strapped for cash, as they still have four dead nuns to bury (whose bodies are being stored in the kitchen freezer!) The nuns decide to put on a benefit performance to raise the rest of the money before the health department discovers their secret.
Performance Dates
Thursday, Friday, & Saturday evenings:
January 23 through February 8
Sunday Matinees: January 26, February 2 & 9